Linear & Rotary Actuators

REXA Electraulic Actuation offers the highest Level of Resolution (0.05%) and Reliability in a compact package.   Minimal Deadtime and virtually zero overshoot allow you to precisely control your process

Process Control & Optimization



Loop Tuning & Optimization

Advanced Process Control Strategies

Process Simulations

Data Analytics

Damper Drives

Improve Combustion Efficiency, Reduce Excess O2 and Fuel Usage for a Cleaner Burn for Boilers and Furnace Heaters

State of the art technology

increase equipment reliability & Improve Process Response

In partnership with REXA Electraulic™ Actuation we eliminate unnecessary deadtime in critical process loops, while providing the highest resolution and repeatability available in the market.


Oil & Gas Pipeline

Optimize your pump station, terminal, and pipeline controls.


Improve plant flexibility, ramp rate, boiler & combustion efficiency, and reduce Fuel Usage with our state-of-the-art technologies

Refining &

Increase throughput, reliability, and safety, while improving yield with advance control strategies and our consultative approach.

Process Industries

Improve operations and reduce maintenance across all of the key process areas in your plant.

Cutting Edge Engineered Solutions

Optimize your process and plant profitablility

In partnership with Enero Solutions™, we create innovative solutions to sustainably increase efficiency, reliability, and profitability of your most difficult process loops.

Our Satisfied Customers